Thursday, February 23, 2017

When a dream turns into reality

Sabina gives her sponsor Alaxgendra and her daughter Marie flower garlands during their visit

Welcoming a sponsor 

It is a dream of every sponsored child and the family to welcome a sponsor into the home. You are regarded as very lucky if you eventually get that opportunity, as only few sponsors pay an actual visit to a sponsored child. As you can imagine, children try to figure out in their mind what a sponsor looks like, they have their own ideas of the sponsor's character, lifestyle etc. Although sponsored children communicate with sponsors through letters and postcards, lots is left to the child's imagination.

Sabina, a 14-year old sponsored child from Banke District in the Midwest, about 487km from the capital Kathmandu, saw her dream come true when sponsor Alaxgendra and daughter Marie took a trip from Denmark to visit Sabina and her family. This visit was not only a lucky occasion for Sabina and her family, but it spread out joy over the whole community.

Warm hospitality

Danish sponsor Alaxgendra and her daughter Marie enjoy the family's hospitality watched by the whole community

As this was a moment of pride and privilege for Sabina and her family, they did their utmost in welcoming Alaxgendra and Marie into their home. As a local custom to welcome guests the family hung flower garlands and kept jars filled with water and flowers by the main doors. Guests were spoilt with grilled potatoes, fresh milk, eggs and typical ginger tea; all produce from the home and kitchen garden, to great delight of the guests. Sabina and her elder sister gave a tour of the garden, showed the sheep, the buffalo and the stock of rice which they had recently harvested. Later on, the guests got introduced to other family members as well. Alaxgendra and her daughter spent a great amount of time with Sabina's grandmother who took them around her newly built house and enthusiastically showed them family pictures. It was a warming moment for both parties.

Although there were language difficulties, both sponsor and sponsored family showed appreciation, understanding and a warm love towards each other with gifts being exchanged and both guests and hosts showing a great deal of mutual respect. All this was witnessed with joyful approval of the neighbours and the larger community.

Goodbye with a smile

3 hours later it was time for Alaxgendra and Marie to say goodbye. When asked about the visit Sabina responded: "I have been eagerly waiting for this day. When other sponsors visited a sponsored child in our community, I used to feel some envy. I have so often dreamed of this day and I am so happy having them in my home."

Danish sponsor Alaxgendra (far left) and her daughter Marie (centre) meet Sabina and her family 

Further to meeting with Sabina and her family, the sponsors also paid a visit to the local and district health posts supported by Plan International Nepal. These posts provide medical and surgical treatment in correcting deformity in children. The experience left a positive mark on Alaxgendra: "I am very much impressed with what Plan International Nepal has set up here. The activities and support provided to children and their communities make a positive difference. I will share this experience with my friends back home and make them warm to support Plan International, so they can also be part of the change that Plan International brings into the life of so many children."

(The blog is written by Plan International Nepal staff)

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Visit to Priti's family made me feel proud


-Berit Eline Folkestad, Sponsor, Norway


When I used to read letters from my mother's sponsored child sent by Plan International Sudan, it also encouraged me to be a sponsor at some point in my life. Being a sponsor was a kind of dream since my childhood.
My dream transformed into reality when I became a sponsor of Priti since 2012. Priti is 8 year old pretty girl from Nepal, now studies at grade two. I felt proud once I made a trip to her family in last month. After meeting Plan International's staff, we continued journey to Priti's home on 18th January 2016.
Meeting with Priti
We reached Priti’s home after half an hour drive. The family welcomed us warmly by garlands and Khada (Tibetan silk scarf). They offered us a cup of aromatic tea (tea boiled together with ginger cinnamon) and some fresh apples.
With Priti at her home

Seeing all the arrangements, I got sense that Priti’s family was trying to do the best possible to make me feel comfortable. What I was experiencing there was beyond my imagination, because I was never cared or honored in such a nicer way.
After the welcome, we did chat about the family. I presented some gifts to them as a token of love.

Earthquake, but Priti is safe 
At a talk with family, Priti shared her experiences about Nepal’s Earthquake that struck in April 2015. During the quake time, she was playing inside her house and suddenly everything started to tremble. She had no idea what was going on. Her mother pulled her out of house and remained safe. It was a terrible shock to her and family.  

Enjoyed every moments
Each moments became pleasant to us during the visit. I taught few English alphabets and words to Priti. She was curious and nervous while learning. However, despite the huge language barrier, she enjoyed a lot and me too. I felt language doesn't block us to feel, we communicated through sentiments and emotions. The local people gathered were also stunned to see what we were doing at the premises of Priti's house.

Little support brings hope
Priti's mother has engaged in cooperative organization that was promoted by Plan International. She saves money regularly at the cooperative and can borrow at time of need. Plan International has also provided educational materials to Priti. These supports have brought hope in their lives.

Difficult to say goodbye
Spending almost one and half hour, I left Priti’s home with heavy heart and promised to see next time. I asked her to keep sending letters and photos through Plan International.   

Sense of pride  
Children at an Early Childhood and Education Development Center
supported by Plan International 
While returning from her home I realised that my little support has contributed in the lives of children at her community. Not only Priti, but also other children have received educational materials from Plan International where she lives. Many women at her community are engaged in income raising activities through women groups and cooperatives. This gave me real sense of contentment and made me feel proud.

(The blog was written by Plan International staff based on talk with Berit Eline Folkestad during her visit to Makwanpur, Nepal)

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Visitors from Germany enjoy the trip to community 

A group of sponsors from Germany made a trip to Makwanpur, a hill district adjoining to Kathmandu; with an aim to understand how Plan International runs its programme at community and benefits the children and their communities. 
During the trip the visitors observed programme activities such as drinking water systems, women cooperatives, health facilities and birthing centre and ECED centre and interacted with community people how those activities had supported to make a better lives of the people. In addition, they also visited child friendly spaces and temporary learning centres those were set up after the April earthquake that had hit the communities. Few sponsors also met their sponsored family.  Plan International field colleagues hosted the visit, let's take a look, how the visit took place at community.

Sponsors with students

Welcoming sponsors at Plan International Nepal Makawanpur field office before the departure to community.  

     The sponsors with female community health volunteers at Naamtaar VDC in Makwanpur.
Community people welcoming sponsors at the women cooperative office 

Sponsors observing child friendly spaces set up by Plan International Nepal for earthquake affected children

Children performing for sponsors in child friendly space set up by Plan International Nepal to provide safe place to earthquake affected children

Meeting with sponsored children and the family

Sponsors having lunch with sponsored family

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Sponsoring a child through Plan: Meeting Sandhya in Nepal

Experiences shared by Plan's sponsor Tiphaine Texier from Norway who visited Sindhuli in this December to meet her sponsored child Sandhya and her families including the observations of programme activities run by community with support from Plan Nepal.  

                                      Tiphaine with school children and Plan staff in Sindhuli

"As a sponsor through Plan, I give each month a small amount of money to support Sandhya, a child living in Nepal, her family and her community. I got the opportunity to visit her in her village… And the encounter went ways beyond my expectations.

Departing from Kathmandu, the journey to reach her remote village is quite an adventure. Well, yes, the journey took twice as long as I expected due to some amusing events. But what an experience ! I will never forget the landscapes I have seen through the window of the local bus, neither the nice Nepali lady sitting just next to me and feeding me all the way.

I arrive in the evening in Sindhuli, the main city of the district, and is welcomed by
Shanta, the local Plan coordinator. She leads me to my hotel, and I take an early sleep, exhausted by the trip and so looking forward to the day to come…

The sun comes up again in the sky, announcing a beautiful and emotional day. Shanta pickes me up and we go to shop for some kitchen equipment as a gift to Sandhya’s family. For her and for the children of the community, I brought some colorful juggling balls.

First, we go to Plan’s office, located in Sindhuli. I meet some of Shanta’s colleagues and her big boss. I get briefed about the day to come : a lot to do, and probably quite a short while with Sandhya… Will it be enough ?

Then we drive to the main village, close to her place, and are welcomed by the local youth club, a place for young ladies to discuss and enjoy activities together. What a nice initiative !
Now it’s time to drive to Sandhya’s home ! She’s not going to school today, as I’m visiting
her. Her tiny village is located nearby the road. The houses are small, very modest and
made of clay. Here comes Sandhya’s house : a very tiny place, maybe 15 square meter, where she lives with her parents and her two brothers. She comes out and is very shy at first. I
offer her the juggling bowls and show to the mother the dishes I have bought for her,
totally forgetting that the Nepali custom is not to open a gift in public, in case the gift is
not appreciated ! 

But of course, as I remember that, it is too late… Nice beginning uh…
Very soon, the whole village is surrounding us (well, they are not that many, but still). Shanta is taking many pictures, her colleague who is following us as well. It feels a bit weird
connecting with Sandhya in such an un-intimate way. She seems very happy but also very bad at ease being the center of the attention (same for me !). To break a bit the situation’s
awkwardness, I propose to visit her place. Inside the tiny house, two wooden planks are playing the role of sitting places during daytime and beds at night. One of the corners
is dedicated to cooking, with a small fireplace set up on the ground. The garden is a little bigger, and the family is hoping. 

To get help from Plan to learn how to grow their own vegetables. The idea is to feed the
family, and eventually to sell some to the local market and provide some extra money to
the household. At the end of the garden, there is a pig. The family is used to buy one, to
feed it until it gets big enough, and to sell it again to make some profit. Sandhya tells me that she wants to become a doctor. I like to see so much ambitions in her eyes, but I’m also
conscious that this will be a very hard goal to reach. Being the only girl and the first born, Sandhya will most probably be married very young, so as to have her moving out to her
husband’s family, following the Nepalese traditions. Which means, for a modest family as hers, one mouth less to feed, one person less to host in a very tiny space. I hope that my
support, somehow, will prevent her from that, even if my action margin is quite small ! Being a sponsor is not giving you super powers, just the ability to develop a little bit the
community in which your sponsor child is living.

                                                 Sandhya with Tiphaine

Sandhya does not speak that much but is literally glued to me, which melts my heart. As the tight schedule of the day must be followed, it is decided that she will stay with him until the end. We drive a little while and stop next to a very nice vegetables garden. Here, a woman
shows us proudly her tomatoes, spinach, cauliflowers and potatoes. An agricultural
engineer from Plan helped her implementing this garden, which is feeding
her whole family and providing incomes by selling the vegetables to the local market.
The husband is at the market at the moment, and the woman takes care of the
plants. She seems so proud to be responsible for this piece of heaven !

Then we drive to the local school, where we first take a detour through the library. This
place has been established by an association a few years ago and Plan has been
supporting the purchase of books and posters to decorate the room. It is a modest
library, run by older students in partnership with younger ones. They seem very
proud of having this library, offering them a real opportunity to read and learn. It is one
of the rare ones in the area !

After this small detour and many pictures taken, we visit each class one by one. Children
are waiting for us, very calm and disciplined. First, the kinder garden : the kids sing and
dance a little, then start playing all around with some of the juggling balls I offered
them. Then three other classes, in which I take part in the dancing and singing, Sandhya
just by my side. What a fun time ! In the meanwhile, Shanta emphasizes the work of Plan
in the school : the building of a comfortable and warm floor, very important as the
students sit directly onto the ground and the purchase of posters showing birds,
vegetables, the English alphabet etc.

All the kids seem very excited to see a sponsor in their school. Suprisingly, each time
Shanta asks "who has a sponsor among you ? ", many hands are raised. I get to
understand how much we mean to these children and to the community : so much is
being done with our money ! So much more hope for their future ! It is already time to say good bye to Sandhya. The day went ways to quick, but at the same time, it has been so
strong ! Sandhya ask me to come back soon. I will. I have to ! We represent so
much for the young people here.

I drive back to Sindhuli, the main city of the district, the head full of questions, ready to
change my life in better. Because experiencing that kind of thing won’t leave you the
same : it helps putting perspectives into our spoiled lives.

So if I had any advice, it would be to become a sponsor to give a child better chances in life
and to improve his/her community. And if you already are one, then run to visit
him/her… They are waiting for us !"